Do you know which is the most sensitive part of the female body? It’s the female reproductive parts. Well, among various reproductive organs, the vagina is one of the most sensitive ones. The vagina is a multi-purpose reproductive organ of the body which makes it highly sensitive to many stimuli. From the sensual clitoris to the multi-purpose vaginal canal, the vagina is a delicate organ of the female body which is highly prone to infections. It is known that one in every three women suffers from a vaginal infection once in their lifetime. The chance of infection is quite high, right? This is because there are multiple common habits we follow commonly that are harmful to our vaginal health. The main point is the majority of us don’t know what is right and what is wrong with our reproductive health, especially the health of the vagina. Some of the habits seem to do good to our private parts, but those habits are making you vulnerable to vaginitis in reality. Check out the following dangerous habits you might  be practicing too:

1. Use of Scented Products to Clean Down There

Scented soaps, scented pads, and feminine washes are commonly used to promote vaginal cleanliness. But are these products really helping you to keep up with vaginal health? Well, the answer might sound disappointing, but it’s a NO! The scented products like soaps and gels you use to clean your private areas are harmful when it comes to the pH balance of the vaginal area. The perfumed products contain chemicals that mess with the natural pH balance of the vagina and can foster irritation, itchiness, and redness. Maintaining natural pH balance is extremely important if your vagina is to be all healthy and infection-free. 

Note: Use plain and unscented products to clean your vagina. Make sure you choose the one that is not loaded with a bunch of chemicals. The simpler you choose, the better it is. 


2. Synthetic Underwears All The Time

That pair of sexy synthetic underwear can be fabulous and pretty. But the underwears made up of synthetics aren’t that good for your vaginal health. Many girls find it erotic, beautiful, and attractive to wear synthetic underwear and these are their go-to all the time. Wearing synthetic underwear once in a while isn’t harmful but if that’s what put on all the time, it can be an alarming habit for you. The synthetic materials are heavy, non-breathable, and sweat-absorbers. The vagina needs to be fresh and good air must pass through it. However, synthetic underwears absorb the sweat and don’t let the moisture pass making the area highly moist and prone to infection. As a result, Urinary Tract Infection(UTIs) and yeast infections occur easily in the vaginal area.

Note: Wear properly fitting underwear, neither too tight nor too loose! Make sure you take off the underwear as soon as you can. Never put on synthetic underwear while working out. 


3. Long Use of Sanitary Pads or Tampons

We can’t run away from the sanitary period products because that’s what we need on a monthly basis. Well, the invention of sanitary pads and tampons has pretty much saved our lives, but there are some dark sides too if you aren’t careful enough. Long use of sanitary pads or tampons is one of the major reasons behind women commonly getting vaginal infections. If not changed timely, those products can cause infection and a lot of other products. The long-used pad or tampon traps the moisture and hosts the growth of various harmful bacteria, fungus, and micro-organisms. Harmful micro-organisms, no doubt, cause an infection in the vagina that can prove to be deadly. Additionally, putting on the same pad/tampon for a long time causes fiction and leads to redness, irritation, and pain making the vagina more prone to infection.

Note: Change the sanitary pad or tampon every six-hour. Choose the high-quality unscented period products to assure safety. 


4. Vaginal Douching 

Many girls out there might have been douching their vaginal canal for the sake of cleanliness. It’s a commonly practiced activity to promote vaginal cleanliness as it is believed to clean the vagina after menses and sexual intercourse, remove odor, keep the vagina fresh and dirt-free. Some people even believe that douching can prevent pregnancy and STDs (Whatttt???) Due to this long list of believed benefits, douching is widely adopted. But douching is one of the major risk factors for deadly vaginal infections. Additionally, it’s proved that douching can even lead to cervicitis, Pelvic Inflammatory Diseases, pregnancy complications, and an increased chance of cervical cancer. Beneficial bacterias are removed but the harmful ones can grow due to douching. Those harmful ones can even move up to the uterus, fallopian tube, and ovaries. The results can be life-threatening.

Note: The vagina is self-cleansing. So, just use plain water to rinse the vaginal area.


5. Tight Clothes and Tight Underwear

Those super tight panties and body-hugging dresses might make you feel super sexy and bold. But do you always go for tight dresses and underwear? If yes, I have bad news for you. You might be creating a way to welcome vaginal infection. Yes, you heard it right! The vagina needs fresh air and ventilation to be healthy and fresh. The tight dresses and underwear don’t leave free and fresh space for the vagina to receive some fresh air. This can lead to a moist vagina by absorbing heat and sweat. Once the vagina is all moist with sweat, the vaginal infection occurs within a matter of time because that’s what the harmful bacterias love. Wearing tight panties and dresses for a while is okay, but making it your everyday choice means foreseeing vaginal infection.

Note: Wear tight-fitting dresses for a short period of time only and make loose-fitting clothes your priority because your vaginal health wants it so bad!


6. Waxing or Shaving All The Pubic Hair 

You might feel pubic hairs are gross and unhealthy for vaginal health. Do you wax or shave the pubic hairs completely? If your answer is a yes, then be ready to hear some bad news. Pubic hairs have motives to serve as they provide a cushion against friction that can cause skin injury and build protection from bacteria and other unwanted pathogens. If you remove all your hair down there, you are making your vagina vulnerable to infection. Also, shaving and waxing can cause skin infections, irritation, redness, and painful pimples as well. There are various grooming-related injuries while waxing or shaving like burns and cuts. The idea and process of removing all the pubic hair are risky and prone to vaginal infection.

Note: If you must wax or shave the pubic hair, do it once in a while only. And, try not going for complete hair removal. 


7. Forgetting to Pee and Clean After Sex

Here’s a fact! Your vagina hates being introduced to foreign substances that don’t belong there. Sex can lead to an exchange of various bacterias and pathogens between the bodies. During sex, various bacterias and other micro-organisms enter through the vagina and reside in the vaginal canal and urethra. Those micro-organisms don’t belong there! So, the chances of developing infections are quite high which is why peeing after sex is highly important. You should always pee and clean your vagina after sex as it helps to flush out the bacteria from the urethra and remove the unwanted ones from the vagina. This will reduce the risk of developing vaginal infections and Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) which are commonly seen in women.

Note: After having sexual intercourse, don’t forget to immediately pee and gently clean your vagina with clean water and unscented soap. However, keep in mind that peeing and cleaning after sex doesn’t protect you from pregnancy and STDs. 


8. Hitting The Pool Right After Shaving/Waxing

Diving into the pool or beach right after you’ve shaved/waxed your pubic hair is a really bad idea. The vaginal skin becomes highly sensitive after you shave or wax and can be harmed by any foreign substance. The salt and chlorine in the water can negatively affect your vagina by causing irritation, pain, and infections. The freshly shaved skin is will be affected by the pool or beach water and create a hotbed for the bacteria and pathogens. As much as it causes long-term effects like vaginal infections, you can feel that you made a mistake minute after you hit the pool as your vagina will start feeling burnt, itchy, and painful. 

Note: Wait at least 24-48 hours before diving into the pool/beach after you’ve shaved your vaginal hair. 

The vagina is as important as other parts of your body. So ladies, don’t forget to give it the good care it deserves. Make sure you don’t follow harmful habits for the sake of vaginal cleanliness because sometimes what seems good can actually lead to nightmares.