Period Days. Several undesirable things might have already popped up in your head, right? Menstruation is one of the most critical phases of a woman’s life. Many uncontrollable as well as unpleasant phenomena happen in our bodies that we wish would just end right now. Feeling better during period days is what we, all ladies want. Despite having multiple challenges, feeling finer in your period days isn’t that hard as you might think. It just requires a few simple habits to be followed and some cool tips to be known. To make your period days pass like any other normal day, we’ve collected awesome hacks for you. Here are amazing tips exclusively devised to help you rock your period days:


1. Do Light Exercise

Don’t start panicking and assuming the worst when you think about exercise during period days. Though this might sound frightening and impracticable to many ladies out there, exercise can help you reduce the period cramps. Exercise releases  Dopamine, Norepinephrine, and Serotonin in the body. These hormones stabilize moods, emotions, and decrease depression. Moreover, the hormones released during exercise help to reduce period cramps and make you feel happier. 

However, don’t go for heavy exercise. Instead, do light exercises like walking, aerobics, simple body movements, and many more.  Yoga is the best form of exercise during menstruation.


2. Avoid coffee and alcohol

Coffee and alcohol are strict 'NO' during period days. No matter how much of a coffee lover you’re or how badly you want to have a drink, don’t intake them while on your period days. The coffee contains caffeine which is Vasoconstrictor (Constricts the blood vessels in the body)  which tightens the blood vessels on the uterus. This means the period cramps will be more painful than they already were. 

Similarly, alcohol dehydrates your body. So, the periods worsen with the intake of alcohol. The menstrual flow thickens due to alcohol intake which makes it hard to pass. Thus, the period is worsened.


3. Eat dark chocolates

Dark chocolates are one of the best treats for your sweet tooth as well as period days. Other chocolates aren’t preferred during the period days since they contain lots of sugar. But dark chocolates have been proven to be the best food in menstruating days. Dark chocolates contain a lesser amount of sugar and a higher part of Potassium, Antioxidants, and Magnesium. Potassium helps the muscles to function more prominently resulting in lesser bloating and cramping symptoms. Antioxidants and Magnesium reduce mood swings by stimulating the production of Serotonin. 

Make sure you search for a higher percentage dark chocolate. Because the higher the percentage, the lesser the amount of sugar. Have dark chocolates during period days. But make sure you don’t overeat!


4. Drink lots of water

Well, water is Godsent for everything. Drinking water is the cure for many problems, including unpleasant period symptoms. Drinking adequate water helps to hydrate our bodies. Hydration removes lots of problems. Water helps to reduce bloating symptoms as the waste of the body is flushed by the water. Similarly, drinking water helps the menstrual flow to dilute. Thinner blood flow means easier period days with lesser pain. Also, a hydrated body is key to a good mood.  

Drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water per day. Want to drink more? Well, that’s going to be one of the best decisions you ever make.


5. Treat your cramps with warmth

Pain due to period cramps is beyond explanation. Heat can ease your period cramps and give you a relaxing sensation. Placing a heating patch or wrap in the abdomen can relax the muscles of the uterus. It’s the muscles that cause cramps. Besides, heat helps to increase blood circulation to the muscles which will reduce the pain. Having a heating patch during period days is a wise decision. 

Keep in mind that the heating patch is heated until it provides relaxing warmth. Overheating or underheating won’t help you relieve the pain as expected. Give a warm treat to your abdomen when it’s giving you unbearable pain. 


6. Follow a healthy diet plan

A good diet is extremely helpful to have better period days. Eat small but frequent meals. This will help to maintain the blood sugar level in the body. Choose green leafy vegetables, fruits, protein-rich foods, grains, etc for better health during period days. If you’re having heavy menstrual flow, eat iron-rich foods like red meat, dried fruits, iron-fortified cereals, green leafy vegetables, and many more. Keep sugary and spicy foods away from you. If you’re craving for sugar, take a handful of grapes or sweet potato.

A healthy diet means happier period days. You choose whether you want a delightful taste of unhealthy foods for some minutes or sound conditions during your long menstruating periods.


7. Use comfortable innerwears

Quality innerwears have a lot to contribute to making your period days better. Choose your bras and panties precisely for your menstruating period. Breasts seem to be swollen and tender while you’re on period. So, make sure you wear comfortable, light, and stretchable bra. Similarly, panties play a significant role in your period days, there’s no doubt on that. Don’t wear panties with heavy fabrics and minimal coverage. Period panties are available in the market to make your days easier. Feeling sure about extra protection and comfort is a part of feeling better in your period.

Visit for online shopping of high-quality bra and panty best for your period days. 


8. Focus on stress management

Stress, anxiety, and mood swing are the common psychological problems faced during period days. These challenges are faced by every woman and they always come along with menstruation. So, why not focus on managing these unavoidable issues instead of getting affected by them?  Stress management can help you feel a lot better. Practice stress management techniques even when you’re not on your period. Drink lots of water and perform soft exercise techniques like aerobics. Yoga, meditation, therapy, and massage are awesome to feel better. Maintain self-control on your emotions. 

Similarly, adequate sleep, a healthy diet, and vitamin intake are major help for stress management. 


9. Take warm baths frequently

Warm baths are important for two reasons during the period days. Firstly, it’s highly required to stay clean and fresh during period days because our bodies go through a lot of fatigue phenomena. Secondly, as discussed earlier warmth helps our bodies to relax. A regular bath with warm water is one of the major hacks for feeling better in period days. There is a myth that the bath should be avoided during menstruation. Well, it’s completely false. The truth is the other way around. Frequent warm baths stimulate blood circulation and make the body clean and fresh. 


Menstruation and its effects are natural and unavoidable. Though the period is extremely painful and tiresome, it’s an important part of our reproductive health. So, follow simple ways to avoid unpleasant consequences. Feel better every day. Control the effects of periods with your healthy lifestyle.