Men or Women. We all have multiple questions about our bodies, right? The human body has always been a pool of mystery. Talking about the mysterious body, the female body always gets the tag over a male body. Small or large, round or flat, this part of women's body is the most beloved and important, yet bizarre one. Yes! You guessed it right. Boobs. Breasts. Melons. Mammary glands. Whatever you name it!  It has always been a significant symbol of feminine charm. 

Well, for men, it’s not uncommon to have queries about breasts. But even if you’re a lady, your breasts might have given you lots of curious thoughts. Either when you compare your own breasts with each other, or when you compare yours with other ladies, puzzling queries are very common. Maybe, we could help you a bit here! Find out these amazing scientifically proven facts about breasts that will most probably solve many of your queries:

1. Left and Right: Size is different from each other

You might’ve wondered multiple times about the difference in the size of the breasts between your left and right side. Here’s a piece of good news for you. That’s completely normal and there’s nothing to worry about. Breasts are sisters, not twins. The size of the breasts is never the same on both sides. Usually, the left breast is larger than the right one.


2. The secret to your breasts size: your genes

Like every other natural feature of the body, the breast size is also dependent upon your genes. Factors like environmental aspects, hormonal level, body size, etc. have their own role to play in determining the breast size. But your genes are the factors you blame or thank for the breast size you have. Your natural breast size is the result of the genes you inherited from your biological parents.


3. Breasts. Not just the fats

Most of the people think that breasts are just made of fats. Though fatty tissues occupy a large part of the breasts, breasts aren’t just the fats. Other than fats, breasts consist of:

  • Milk glands or lobules that produce milk
  • Ducts that transfer milk from glands to the nipple
  • The connective tissue that holds the breasts tissue together
  • Areola; the dark area around the nipple


4. 4-5% of total body fat: Just the breasts

Our bodies have fatty tissue expanded all over the body in different organs. The breasts alone consist of 4-5% of the total body fat. When you lose or gain weight, there is a change in total body fat. As a result, your breast size is also affected. The more fat you’ve in your body, the more you’ve in your breasts. 4-5% of total body fat is quite a tremendous amount of fat considering breasts as a single organ.


5. One to many, nipples have numerous types

Nipples are of various types. It is normal for women to have different types of nipples on different sides of the breasts. In case you’ve ever wondered why your nipples are different from one another, it’s the game of mother nature. It is very rare for a woman to have the same type of nipples on both sides. Protruding, flat, bumpy, puffy, inverted, hairy, etc are some common types of the nipple. Some people even have a third nipple on their breasts.


6. The shape of the breasts: Different from person to person


The shape of your breasts may not match the shape of your friend’s breasts. And there’s nothing to worry about. Naturally, there are around dozens of breast shapes that are common in women. Apart from the natural shape, the appearance of the breast shape depends upon the type of bra you wear. Some common breast shapes are round, flat, bell-shaped, est-west, conical, and so on. 


7. Permanent breasts? That’s a gift only for humans

Well, humans are the only primates to have permanent breasts. Usually, other mammals have breasts that develop only when they reproduce. But humans have permanent breasts. Since puberty hits, the breasts start to grow physically, physiologically and they last forever. Why we’ve evergreen fuller breasts? The answer is still a mystery. We must say we’re God’s favorite living beings.


8. Breasts growth: A game of hormones

Why do breasts start to grow only when we reach a certain age? Why don’t they grow since birth like other organs and features? It is because the growth and development of the breasts are due to hormones. The hormones; estrogen and progesterone are responsible for breast growth. The level of these hormones starts to increase when one enters puberty. As a result, the breasts start to get fuller and grow only when puberty hits.


9. Unavoidable phenomenon: Breasts sagging

Saggy breasts are super embarrassing. No woman wants to have droopy breasts. But, breast sagging is an inevitable process. Because of gravity, breasts are constantly sagging. Though we can’t completely stop our breasts from sagging, we can adopt some measures to limit the process. Wearing a quality bra that holds the breasts is very important for decreasing the sagging process. Smoking, chewing tobacco, drinking alcohol, etc. can increase the chance of having droopy breasts.


10. Menstruation increases the breasts size

If you’ve ever noticed precisely, during menstruation, the breasts become dense, heavier, and larger. Menstruation increases breast size. Progesterone and estrogen, hormones responsible for breast growth rise during the menstruating days which leads to a temporary increase in breast size. Besides, Premenstrual Water Retention has been known to cause swelling of breasts during the period.


11. Mature breasts: Not before pregnancy

If you’re a woman who has never been pregnant, your breasts aren’t fully mature. The complete physical and functional development of breasts occurs only when a woman becomes pregnant. Though breasts begin to develop since puberty, they are never mature until pregnancy. The hormone; prolactin released during pregnancy stimulates the production of milk. Breasts are functional organs that come into action during pregnancy and maternity. So, pregnancy is the only phase in life that leads to the maturity of breasts.


12. Pregnancy makes nipple darker

The nipples become noticeably dark during pregnancy. It is normal for women to feel various changes during pregnancy including significant changes in the breasts. The hormones released during pregnancy releases Melanin Pigment that causes the nipple and areola regions to get darker. However, the darkening of the nipples is temporary. After a few months of delivery, the nipples go back to their usual color tone.


13. The clitoris of the upper body: Nipples

Nipples are one of the few highly sensitive parts of the female body. Stimulation of the nipple can lead to orgasm in many women. When nipples are stimulated, oxytocin, also known as love hormones are released in the body. Likewise, sensuous touch in the nipple increases the blood flow in the vaginal region. Nipple orgasm is common and one of the major sources of sexual satisfaction for females.


14. Breasts lumps? Don’t worry, that's normal.

Every woman has felt the presence of lumps in her breasts and panicked. Though breast lumps are known to be serious symptoms of breast cancer, 80% of breast lumps are harmless and normal. The usual breasts lumps are light and can easily move around the breasts. Breast lumps that possess no risk are painless and temporary. But if you feel the presence of heavy and painful lumps, immediately consult authorized medical help.


15. Reason for men having breasts and nipple

Well, this is a common question for many people. Why do men have breasts and nipples? It is because every fetus is a female during the first six weeks. The fetus in the womb develops nipple and breasts before six weeks of pregnancy. After six weeks, the Y chromosome present in the male fetus starts the stimulation of testosterone which stops breast growth. Some men have significantly larger breasts due to a lack of testosterone hormone aad excess presence of estrogen and progesterone.


16. Breasts cancer can happen to anyone with breasts

Society may discriminate between men and women, but breast cancer doesn’t! Breast cancer can happen to both men and women. However, since the female breasts are more functional and developed, females are more prone to breast cancer. It’s sad to know that one out of eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. Less than one percent of breast cancer cases are seen in men.

Since you’ve reached till here, you might’ve cleared some of your major dilemmas regarding breasts. Breasts are delicate organs with an important contribution to mankind. Diseases in breasts are the leading causes of deaths all over the world. Explore as much as you can and protect your breasts. Health is Wealth.